The Creation of Life: Organisms Flourish in Thermal Vents Deep Beneath the Sea The scientific community has begun to turn its attention to the volcanic gashes as source of creation of life and.deep beneath the surface of the sea.as source creation of life Much to their surprise, they have discovered a dark yet flourishing biosphere teeming with life, may be source creation of life despite temperatures that routinely exceed 250 degrees (see: William J. Broad, "Deep under the sea, boiling founts of life itself," 9 September 2003). These organisms have indeed forced scientists to reevaluate some of their conventional beliefs regarding the cycle of life. That said, wave theory, which postulates the alignment of energetic matter into wave formations that create "life formations," is viable even under such extreme conditions. In fact, energetic matter is a living, moving, mercurial matter in its own right creation of life is only other phase transition. It is a living media- formation that creates everything, including living formations, by different phase transitions in which the same wave formation-quant forms a DNA structure that enables it to store more energy and information from its surroundings. Moreover, this process endows life forms with independence within their surroundings. Life can then exist in any environment with abundant supplies of energy, such as the hydrothermal vents that occupy the remote ocean floor. The vents provide a constant supply of highly energetic matter, which is expelled from the deep reaches of the earth. The released energy also takes the shape of the wave formation. In fact, it is aligned in a structure that closely resembles DNA, as seen in the two adjacent pictures-source creation of life.
Various metals and sulfuric gases are spewed out of the vents. These compounds serve as catalysts primarily be inducing DNA chains to secure fresh energy. This energetic matter integrates easily with its biosphere's ferreting terrain, which has a propensity for absorbing energy that it then transfers to other formations with low energy levels. The inhabitants of this biosphere - such as aquatic tube worms, insects, and tiny microbes known as hyperthermophiles - are similarly adept at removing energy from ferreting compounds. Like all living energetic formations, these intriguing creatures replenish exhausted energy supplies in order to survive. The abundant supply of hydrogen sulfide in these remote locales thus constitutes a stable energy supplement. Moreover, the reservoir of energy allows for the continuous creation of life formations. Once again, we see that hydrogen (which together with oxygen comprise the main components of water even in the lowest depths) by virtue of its ability to easily transfer energy is the basic formation by which living energetic formations are created. In our particular case, the ferreting bonds regain lost energy from highly-energetic hydrogen, sulfur, water, or oxygen and subsequently transfer it to organic formations; thereafter, the bonds again proceed to absorb more energy. By virtue of its flexibility, this endless cycle drives the circulation of all living formations. This same process is also the engine that enables our lungs and other similar formations to breath. For example, hemoglobin also utilizes the same metals that are found in the vents, albeit a more complex version. Hemoglobin is a carrier of highly-energetic oxygen, which it easily extracts from the air and attaches to the Fe component (see picture below). The hemoglobin then readily transfers the energy to parts of the body. After supplying the energy, the hemoglobin eventually returns to the lungs in order to refuel and begin the process anew.
Turning our attention back to the bottom of the sea, one of the most interesting discoveries that was made in the vent's biosphere is the existence of hyperthermophile worms that are up to eight feet long. The worm's head is located at the tip of its body. Theoretically, it would be better equipped to defend itself if its head were located in a less susceptible location. However, the brain constitutes the main organic "computer," which among other duties coordinates the distribution of energy, and thus needs constant supplies of energy. Consequently, the worm's head is situated at the very beginning of its body where it has firsthand access to sources of nourishment. Concentration of energetic matteris is a source creation of life. The worm's highly-energetic brain constantly transmits signals by "nerve formations." Since energy flows exclusively in c |